Sunday, December 5, 2010

On Advent

I (Chau), think I understand the meaning of the advent season a lot more this year. For generations, the Israelites have been waiting for the Promise, the Messiah, the Christ, who will deliver them. The anticipation and the stories of their past are repeatedly told at each family gathering, at meals. They are reminded time and time again that the Lord is coming. And when He's here, all will be well again. That is the reason why the angels sing and Mary called herself blessed.

We are also celebrating advent of another kind. I'm 38 3/7 weeks pregnant today. The little guy is technically cooked, mature and full term. We are just waiting for his arrival. The anticipation has me tickled with excitement and apprehensive with the unknown of it all.

This is the 4th year that we are participating in Advent Conspiracy. We are trying to be more purposeful with our resources. Instead of getting caught up in consumerism that occurs around this season, we are joining our church in using that money in a more meaningful way: building wells in 3rd world countries, serving Portland, Kosovo, and Haiti.

Merry Christmas everyone! Hope you find much joy during this advent season.

1 comment:

julie said...

wow! any day now! crazy... i can't wait to hear the good news!